What does my reservation include?

Only a few seats are released per event. Access includes exclusive tastings of snacks upon arrival, wines, punches and competition plates.

Can I get a refund once purchased? Can I exchange my reservation for a different night?

No. Just as with attending a sporting event, concert or the theater, all sales are final. We cannot cancel your reservation or reschedule it for another night. If you cannot come, we recommend that you transfer your reservation to someone else.

Can I give my reservation away or sell it?

Yes. The reservation is completely transferable. Please note, however, that selling reservations for greater than face value may be illegal.

Why do you use pre-paid ticket reservations?

Pre-paid reservations allow us to anticipate who is coming in and to give guests an all-encompassing experience.

How do I transfer my reservation?

Send an email to brady@tastenetwork.com to transfer a reservation.

Is this event 21+?

Yes. Be sure to bring a valid ID for entry, as no one under 21 is permitted, including infants and small children.

Have additional questions?

If you have additional questions about your reservation, please email brady@tastenetwork.com